Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds

Course at the EPFL, fall 2021, Lausanne.

Instructor : Marcos Cossarini (
Assitant : Bruno Luiz Santos Correia (
When and Where : Tuesdays 8:15 - 10:00 (class) and 10:15 - 12:00 (exercises), Room MA A3 30
Duration : 14 classes, from September 21 to December 21, 2021

Lecture Notes

diffman.pdf Based on Anna Kiesenhofer's notes, this version by Marcos Cossarini.

Information for the exam

You can bring to the exam a single one-sided handwritten A4 sheet of paper with any notes you like.


Exercises 1 Solutions 1 Hand in answers to 3.3, 3.5, 3.6 on October 5
Exercises 2 Solutions 2 Hand in answers to 2.3 and 2.4(4) on October 12.
Exercises 3 Solutions 3 Hand in answers to 3.3 and 3.4(2) on October 19.
Exercises 4 Solutions 4
Exercises 5 Solutions 5
Exercises 6 Solutions 6
Exercises 7 Solutions 7
Exercises 8 Solutions 8
Exercises 9 Solutions 9
Exercises 10 Solutions 10
Exercises 11 Solutions 11
Exercises 12 Solutions 12
Exercises 13 Solutions 13

Material from previous versions of this course

Note that these are not official resources for our course.

From the 2020 edition: Yash Lodha's videos.

From the 2019 edition: Anna Kiesenhofer's website.

Some exams: 2013 2015 2020